About Us

Jahan Mall

Khorshid Derakhshan Hashtoom Toos

Khorshid Derakhshan Hashtom Toos Company (private shares) was registered in the General Directorate of Companies Registration on 2014/8/27 with registration number 52273. This company was formed with the participation of Astan Quds Razavi and Malal credit institution in the form of 49% and 51%. The subject of the company's activity is: the construction of residential and non-residential building complexes and the provision of all executive and contracting services for projects, etc.

About Us

Khorshid Derakhshan Hashtom Toos Company (private shares) was registered in the General Directorate of Companies Registration on 2014/8/27 with registration number 52273. This company was formed with the participation of Astan Quds Razavi and Malal credit institution in the form of 49% and 51%. The subject of the company's activity is: the construction of residential and non-residential building complexes and the provision of all executive and contracting services for projects, etc.


The entrance address of Jahan Mall project: Akhwan Thaleth 1/1 , Akhwan Thaleth Blvd. , Janbaz Square , Mashhad , Iran

Phone of the project workshop: 051-37668004

Company Address: No. 178, 4th and 5th floor, 8 Ferdowsi Blvd., Mashhad, Iran


The capital of Khorshid Derakhshan Hashtom Toos Company is 1,000,000,000 Rials divided into 1 million shares of 100,000 Rials, which are 1,000,000 registered shares, of which 51% of the said shares belong to the Melal Credit Institution and 49% It belongs to Astan Quds Razavi

Contact us

Contact phone: +985137658952

E-mail: info@khdh.ir

Fax: +985137658953

Social Media: +989380369346